I use tmux
because it is rather awesome and I have spent quite a bit of time developing a script to automate starting it. It uses screen
compatible key bindings to help with muscle memory. It should just work on debian and be easy to adapt for redhat and others.
I'm not happy with the mouse mode component because it wrecks my OS clipboard functionality so I've still got some work to do (help?). With this much effort it would be a shame to not share it so here it is.
#!/bin/bash echo # first window is called console, top 60% is bash tmux new-session -d -n console -s default # remap prefix to Control + a tmux set -g prefix C-a tmux unbind C-b tmux bind C-a send-prefix # windows start at '1' set -g base-index 1 # allow resize tmux setw -g aggressive-resize on # allow mouse mode tmux set -g mode-mouse on tmux set -g mouse-resize-pane on tmux set -g mouse-select-pane on tmux set -g mouse-select-window on # lower left 50% x 40% is logs tmux split-window -p 40 'bash -c "tail -Fn20 /var/log/syslog"' # lower right 50% x 40% is htop tmux split-window -h htop # window for work (bash) tmux new-window -c ~/Documents/Projects/ -n work # window for root tmux new-window -n root 'sudo su -' # window for htop tmux new-window -n htop 'htop' # window for syslog tmux new-window -n syslog 'bash -c "tail -Fn20 /var/log/syslog"' # focus on desired window tmux selectw -t 0 tmux selectp -t 0 # wish I could remember what this does tmux a -t default
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